Your donation to the Montana Family Center is Tax Deductible. We are a 501-c-3 tax exempt charity
Missoula Specific Resources
Emergency Services
Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) Line
(406) 493-7955
Suicide/ Crisis Hotline
Western Montana Mental Health Center
Emergency 24-hour line with Mental Health Professional
1-800-820-0083 or 532-9710
YWCA Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Line
542-1944 or 1-800-483-7858
Child and Elder Abuse Help 24-Hour Line
1-800-332-6100 or 444-9810
Missoula Police/Sheriff’s Department:
911 24-hour non-emergency line
:552-6300 or 258-4810
Meals and Food Pantries
Missoula Food Bank 219 S 3rdSt W, 549-0543
Pantry Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-1pm Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday 5pm-7pm
Free meals for children. Find them in your area at: https://www.fns.usda.gov/summerfoodrocks
Poverello Center
1110 W. Broadway,
Breakfast Daily 4am-7:30am
Lunch Daily 11:30am-1:45pm
Dinner Daily 5:30pm-6:30pm
Food Pantry Daily 1pm-2:30pm
24 hours sack lunches available
Union Gospel
506 B Toole Ave, 549-4673
Breakfast: M-Sat, 7 am –8:30 am,
Friday Dinner, 4:30 pm to 6 pm
Clark Fork City Church
2811 Latimer St, 721-7804
Saturday 10am-12pm
Christian Life Center 3801 Russell, 542-0353 2ndand 4th
Monday of every month 4:30pm-6pm
Around the very back of the church
HIS Food Pantry (Foursquare Church)
1001 Cleveland, 721-6884
Last Thursday of the month 5pm-7pm
River of Life Food Bank
4007 Hwy 200, East-Missoula,
3rdand 4th Saturdays 1pm-3pm
Monthly Assistance Programs
Office of Public Assistance/ SNAP
2677 Palmer Suite 100,
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
formerly known as the Food Stamp Program provides
monthly assistance for food.
Apply online at
Healthy Montana Kids Plan
1-877-KidsNow (1-877-543-7669).
Free or low-cost health coverage for children and teenagers up to age 19.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)
301 W. Alder, 258-4740
Nutrition and supplemental food program. Also provide breastfeeding support and formula as needed.
Available to pregnant women and children under 5.
Employment & Rental Assistance
Missoula Job Service 537 S. 3rd St. W.
Job placement, training, and employment counseling.
Missoula Housing Authority
1235 34th St.
Come to an orientation Tues. 5:15pm or Wed at 12pm to
get more info on affordable housing and/or signed up for public housing and rental assistance.
Human Resource Council
1801 S. Higgins, 728-3710.
IEP info
LIEAP (energy/heat assistance), Section 8 and rental
assistance, employment and training opportunities.
WORD (Women’s Opportunity & Resource Development.)
2405 McIntosh Loop, 543-3550
Limited rental assistance, renter education, parent
program for parents under 22 years (not just for women).
Legal Assistance
Montana Legal Services 211 N. Higgins Ste 401.
HelpLine M-F 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 1-800-666-6899.
Free legal assistance and advice
Crime Victim Advocates 500 N Higgins, Suite 201.
258-4630. Helps with temporary order of protection,
advocacy for crime victims.
Missoula Self-help Law Center
Missoula County
Courthouse, 200 W. Broadway, RM 271. 406-258-3428.
M-W-TH-F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Directs individuals to legal information and proper forms.