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Exploring the Frontiers of Family

Welcome; you've found the Montana Family Center! We aim to provide resources for families that don't quite fit the nuclear model, as well as those that do. Here at the MTFC, we believe that using the tools of factual information and active support we can best equip families of the future with knowledge, support, and inspiration they need in order to thrive. We are continually adding new content and hope that you enjoy your stay!

Fall 2024 Events

Summer Pride events, camps, and retreats are slipping behind us. Here are some Fall activities. 

2024 Rainbow Ball
Saturday September 7
5:30 PM
Missoula Holiday Inn, Downtown
Click here for tickets

Our Mission

Commitment to Education

The Mission of the Montana Family Center is to promote the wellness and well being of families in the wonderful state of Montana and beyond..  We do this through:

  • Original video, audio and print resources on this web site.

  • Verified links to other web based information that we verify as factually and reliably based.

  • Public forums and discussions held around our state and region.

  • Direct counseling and resource services when requested.


We will be advocates for traditional and non-traditional families with education and resource identification to help:

  • Single parent families

  • Same sex partner families

  • Blended families 

  • Families with LGBTQI members

  • Polyamory Families

  • Families with transgenerational abuse patterns

  • Families dealing with grief

  • Families with a disabled member

  • Families with ???? give us a call

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