Your donation to the Montana Family Center is Tax Deductible. We are a 501-c-3 tax exempt charity
Legal Help for Families
Free Legal Help for Civil Law
Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) is a law firm that empowers low-income people by providing legal information, advice, and other services free of charge. MLSA works both on individual cases and under a systemic approach to help low-income people escape domestic violence, keep their housing, preserve their public benefits, protect their finances, and more. Click the link to the left to learn more.
Montana Self Help Law Center
There is an amazing resource available across the state. The Montana Judicial Branch of the Government offers a Self-Help law center. There are many legal actions that amount to a "fill in the blank," way of getting help with legal matters when you need the Court. The button to the left will take you the State's self help law page. This is not a substitute for legal maters of a complex nature, please consult an attorney if you have any doubt. If you're low on income try the MLSA site above.
In Missoula county there is a local center with friendly staff and the resources you need for many civil law actions like divorce, name change, property concerns.
Missoula Self-help Law Center
Missoula County
Courthouse, 200 W. Broadway, RM 271. 406-258-3428.
M-W-TH-F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Parenting Plans
One of the most challenging parts of Divorce for most couples is the Parenting Plan. Here we offer you two resources to help with the task of developing an original parenting plan and a resource for changing your parenting plan when your circumstances change. As always we suggest working with a licensed attorney and its a great time save to have done the personal decision making first before approaching an attorney.